Automatically Retrying a Failed Operation in Redux Saga
Implement a saga that automatically retries an API call a specified number of times upon failure, using a loop and delay.
import { call, put, delay } from 'redux-saga/effects';
Imports call, put, and delay effects from redux-saga/effects.
function* fetchResource(resource) {
try {
const response = yield call(fetch, resource);
const data = yield response.json();
yield put({type: 'FETCH_SUCCEEDED', payload: data});
} catch (error) {
yield put({type: 'FETCH_FAILED', error: error.message});
Generator function that tries to fetch a resource and dispatches a success or failure action.
function* retrySaga(resource, maxRetries = 3, delayMs = 1000) {
for(let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) {
try {
yield call(fetchResource, resource);
break; // If succeed, exit loop
} catch(error) {
if(i < maxRetries - 1) {
yield delay(delayMs); // Wait for delayMs milliseconds before retrying
} else {
yield put({type: 'RETRY_LIMIT_REACHED', error: error.message});
Saga that retries fetching a resource up to maxRetries times, with a delay between each attempt. Dispatches a 'RETRY_LIMIT_REACHED' action if all attempts fail.