Angular SVG Icons Component
Create a reusable Angular component that renders SVG icons by taking the icon name as an input parameter and using the Angular template to select the correct SVG content.
import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-svg-icon',
template: `
<svg [ngSwitch]='iconName' attr.width='24' attr.height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'>
<ng-template [ngSwitchCase]="'home'">
<path d='M10 20v-6h4v6h5v-8h3L12 3 2 12h3v8z'/>
<ng-template [ngSwitchCase]="'settings'">
<path d='M19.14,12.94l1.43-1.43l-1.06-1.06l-1.43,1.43C17.75,11.81,17.4,11.5,17,11.26V9.5l1.39-1.39
<!-- Add additional ng-template blocks for other icons as needed -->
`, // Use backticks for multiline strings
styleUrls: ['./svg-icon.component.css']
export class SvgIconComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() iconName: string;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit(): void {
This code snippet defines an Angular component 'app-svg-icon' that accepts an 'iconName' as an input and uses the ngSwitch directive to display the corresponding SVG icon. Each icon is defined as an SVG path within an ng-template tag which is selected based on the 'iconName' provided. Users can add additional icons by adding more ng-template blocks with corresponding SVG paths.